Signing in & installing

  • Why do I need to verify my email address ?

    Verifying your address is important to ensure there was no spelling mistake so that:
    – you can connect flawlessly from all our apps
    – we can send you a link in case you forget your password, which is important as we sometimes lock the uninstallation of our apps.
    If you sign-up with an account already setup on your phone, we’ll skip the verification.

  • I haven’t received the activation email

    We take great care of our servers to ensure messages can be sent promptly and don’t get caught in filters. But just in case, have you had a look in your SPAM folder? Also we do see occasional spelling mistakes. If you haven’t received anything, please try signing-in again. If it doesn’t work, please email us.

  • Is Xooloo Digital Coach 3.0 compatible with my device ?

    Digital Coach is compatible with Android phones and tablets running Android 5.1 or later
    The app can be downloaded from the Play Store


  • How much does Digital Coach 3.0 cost?

    It’s free for now and you don’t have to provide any payment details. New or specific existing features may become premium in the future. If and when this happens, we’ll let you know so you decide whether you’re in or not.


  • Who can see my usage?

    Nobody can see your usage but you! Not even your parents and even if you are under 13y-old. Your usage data is however aggregated to provide the average usage back to all users. If you’d like to share your usage with anyone, you can show them your device or take a screenshot to send them.